Antares Sybil

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Variable Frequency De-Esser

Everything you need to get control of vocal sibilance is right at your fingertips.

Kicking out the Esses

Tame excessive vocal sibilance (ess, tsss, ch, and sh sounds), with a flexible compressor and a variable-frequency high-pass filter to ensure optimum de-essing for any vocal performance.

Keep it in Character

Designed to deliver maximum control over sibilance without altering the other characteristics of a vocal.

Controlling With Compressor

The compressor​ section includes Threshold​, Ratio​, Attack​, and Release controls. And the High-Pass​ Frequency control lets you adjust which high frequency content will get compressed, to ensure that the sibilance is reduced while the rest of the voice remains pristine.

System Requirements

AAX Native

– Pro Tools 2018.1 or later

– macOS 11 and higher as required by your version of Pro Tools


– A compatible VST host program that supports VST3 format

– macOS 11 and higher as required by your host

Audio Units

– A compatible host program that supports the AU format

– macOS 11 and higher as required by your host

AAX Native

– Pro Tools 2018.1 or later

– Windows 10 and 11


– A compatible host program that supports the VST3 format

– Windows 10 and 11


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