Over a year and a half in the making, Black Octopus Sound releases an epic sample pack of monstrous proportions. Aimed at producers of all genres and skill sets, this pack features a colossal 5000+ cutting edge sounds. Weighing in at over 4GB in size, Leviathan is truly a complete sample pack suitable for all genres of music. In this pack you will find a wide selection of drum samples, one shot samples, construction kit style loops at various tempos, extensive FX section, and mutlisampled and single shot synth sounds. The Leviathan sample pack has been featured on many top 100 Beatport tracks and contains everything you need to create a huge sounding track. Decades of production techniques have been used in the creation of these sounds to ensure each sound will sound great out of the box or with your own processing added. This is an essential sample pack in any producers arsenal and will no doubt be heard in many top tracks for years to come.
What’s in the pack?
- 267 Tuned to key kick drums full of punch & thump
- 285 Snares, claps, and pre-shifted claps
- 386 Hihats, Cymbal rides and crashes
- 363 Percussive sounds. Electronic sub hits, live recorded hand drums, tambourines, & shakers
- 58 Tom drums ready to fatten up your fills
- 42 Long atmospheric FX – eerie ambiences, vinyl dust & crackle, euphoric textures
- 227 Rising & Falling FX perfect to power up and smooth over your transitions. All labelled in 1,2, 4, 8, and 16 bar increments.
- 76 Impacts & bombs.
- 136 Short FX
- 121 Glitch FX – Alien parasites & robotic transformers
- 388 Drum loops
- 127 Drum fills
- 334 Music Loops
- 664 Bass samples Long sustained & tweaked Vocoder growls, spineshivering resampled
- 207 Chord stabs
- 81 Multisampled instruments
- 292 Synth stabs
- 1 Producer Tip sheet
- Leviathan Wallpaper graphic
Main Production by Toby Emerson ( and Tantric Decks (
Additional production by SeamlessR and The Frederik.
Best sample pack i’ve ever heard or bought. Everything is tuned and mastered. Nothing comes close.
Mike (verified owner) –
As far as sound packs go, you cannot miss this. The sounds are all mint and in the best quality. Easy to use, re-sample and just do whatever you like with!
Definitely my favorite pack on BOS.
Taneorox (verified owner) –
Absolutely beautiful sound design! Perfect Sample Pack!
Jacob Lunsford –
Best Sample Pack Ever…
Randomgamer (verified owner) –
the first Leviathan ever!
This 4gb sample pack has everything you’ll need. From crisp Hi-hats and snares, to 227 Rising & Falling FX, that are excellently crafted to seamlessly blend your piece together. Whether you’re making hip-hop or electronica you need this in your collection!
plasmaconductiverecords (verified owner) –
The demo does not do justice to this sample pack. I’m going back to older stuff I mixed and freshening them up with these samples and creating new stuff. Sounds great and will definitely spark your creativity.
Dan Zod (verified owner) –
this pack is dopppppe
I use this sample pack all the time. its my go to
zach (verified owner) –
legend of sample pack
jsj90909 (verified owner) –
High quality samples
Truly a leviathan of a sample pack – amazing samples and the drums are insane
Sam Zhang (verified owner) –
Simply incredible sounds and very important: technically perfectly crafted (flawless working with managers like Sononym or Loopcloud for organizing, tagging, naming, labelling, etc.) for best user-friendly usability.
FStrickrodt (verified owner) –
All the Leviathan packs are no-brainers
Highly recommend
matthew29510 (verified owner) –
White Cat (verified owner) –
awesome starting points for ideas, keep em coming!
jwintje (verified owner) –
Amazon package for every genre!
Amazon package for every genre!
Alexander (verified owner) –
very huge
I bought the first of this series after a while, but it is very reassuring with a huge capacity that surpasses what I heard.
It will be useful in all aspects of music production.
alphageeks2002 (verified owner) –
Just Mind-blowing
There are sooooo many samples and its all so useful. So many different types of drums, bass and leads. Its organised so well and having sustained and key labelled elements makes it all so good!
Abhijeet R. (verified owner) –
All the samples you’ll ever need
Dan Zod (verified owner) –
I like it
It’s has some really good sound, especially the kick and fx section.
lucad08 (verified owner) –