Sampletank Orchestral Percussion

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Pack Contents

Library size

  • 3 GB of content
  • 1,822 samples
  • 411 audio loops
  • 102 MIDI patterns
  • 48 instruments

Also included in


23 Playable Instruments

  • Orchestral Percussion Menu
  • Timpani Med Mallet
  • Timpani Soft Mallet
  • Timpani Hard Mallet
  • Timpani Soft Stack
  • Timpani Hard Stack
  • Timpani Deep Stack
  • Timpani Rolls mp
  • Timpani Rolls f
  • Timpani Crescendos
  • Timpani Crescendos Release
  • Gran Cassa
  • Orchestral Snare Drums
  • Symphonic Gongs
  • Piatti 20-inch
  • Piatti 14-inch
  • Bell Tree Glisses
  • Orchestral Sleighbells
  • Orchestral Tambourines
  • Orchestral Castanets
  • Orchestral Ratchet
  • Triangles Keyed Release
  • Triangles Release+Mute

25 Loop Instruments

  • Largo Const Kit 1 60bpm
  • Largo Const Kit 2 60bpm
  • Largo Timpani 60bpm
  • Largo Snare 60bpm
  • Largo Sleigh-Tamb-Cast 60bpm
  • Moderato Const Kit 1 84bpm
  • Moderato Const Kit 2 84bpm
  • Moderato Timpani 84bpm
  • Moderato Snare 84bpm
  • Moderato Sleigh-Tamb-Cast 84bpm
  • Allegretto Const Kit 1 100bpm
  • Allegretto Const Kit 2 100bpm
  • Allegretto Timpani 100bpm
  • Allegretto Snare 100bpm
  • Allegretto Sleigh-Tamb-Cast 100bpm
  • Allegro Const Kit 1 120bpm
  • Allegro Const Kit 2 120bpm
  • Allegro Timpani 120bpmv
  • Allegro Snare 120bpm
  • Allegro Sleigh-Tamb-Cast 120bpm
  • Vivace Const Kit 1 144bpm
  • Vivace Const Kit 2 144bpm
  • Vivace Timpani 144bpm
  • Vivace Snare 144bpm
  • Vivace Sleigh-Tamb-Cast 144bpm


Dream collection of classical percussion for the modern symphonic composer

The master percussion add-on instrument collection

Orchestral Percussion takes traditional percussion instruments to a whole new level of realism, playability and audio quality. Users of Miroslav Philharmonik 2 and SampleTank will get the majesty of full-range, dynamic timpani, the stirring power of a massive 36” gran cassa orchestral bass drum, the unmistakable punctuation of symphonic chau gongs and piatti cymbals. Also included are the ultra-stylized articulations of three different classical snare drums along with flexible variations of sleighbells, tambourines, triangles, castanets, ratchet, bell tree and many other instruments performed with multiple round robins and recorded with pristine audio fidelity.

Orchestral Percussion is the sequel to IK’s much-acclaimed Cinematic Percussion Instrument Collection that is now being used on film, TV and pop productions the world over.

Specific instruments were chosen for Orchestral Percussion to perfectly complement the Cinematic Percussion set with no redundancy or overlap. Like Cinematic Percussion, IK again enlisted master percussionist Greg Ellis, known for his work on countless Hollywood blockbuster films, to perform the more traditional classical instruments of the Orchestral Percussion Instrument Collection. Musicians should use the two collections together for an unrivaled treasure chest
of percussion resources.

The most realistic percussion collection available

The timpani are at the core of Orchestral Percussion. Recorded in stereo at a top Hollywood studio using a carefully constructed array of top-quality Neumann® microphones placed at both mid-front and overhead positions, the timpani have both the presence and subtle ambience necessary to fit into any production from strict classical renditions to epic film cues to punchy pop tracks.

All instruments in Orchestral Percussion are provided with multiple round robin samples thus avoiding the “machine gun effect” of triggering the same sample over and over. By firing off unique samples for each received note, players will achieve a level of realism only matched by playing the actual physical instruments. Furthermore, multiple velocities are provided for the instruments to give them maximum dynamic range and tonal depth.

Audio loops and MIDI patterns

Orchestral Percussion also includes over over 100 MIDI patterns and over 400 audio loops covering “difficult-to-program” rolls, crescendos and other dynamic performances. Players can work with these files directly in Miroslav Philharmonik 2 or SampleTank, or drag them into the DAW timeline for further editing.

Orchestral Percussion is the essential expansion to Miroslav Philharmonik 2, and it is the perfect companion to Cinematic Percussion for SampleTank. It is voiced for modern symphonic composition with a presence and punch that is also suitable for pop, Hip Hop and even EDM tracks. Orchestral Percussion will add a powerful symphonic quality to any kind of music, and between the sounds, loops and MIDI patterns, this instrument collection works with any kind of production approach.


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