Black Octopus Sound

Women in Music – Lucia Cifarelli of KMFDM

Welcome to the next interview in the Women in Music Interview Series. We are doing these interviews to highlight the many women in Music and their careers and talents! I am very honored and excited to welcome Lucia Cifarelli!

For anyone in Industrial and Rock music scenes, she won’t need an introduction. Her band Drill and KMFDM are some of the legends and pioneers in their own right. I have had the privilege of working with Lucia over the years and am always astonished by the kindness, passion and true talent that goes behind the scenes with her. If anyone would look for a role model on how to be in the music business; she is the one.  Lucia got her start in New York working at a studio before starting her band Drill with Black Label Society bass guitarist John DeServio. After having a song called “What You Are” on Empire Records and signing to A&M Records, they opened for Stabbing Westward on tour. Shortly after this Lucia joined MDFMK (which was the KMFDM hiatus band) and continuing work with KMFDM when the band continued moving forward. She has been a member of KMFDM ever since 2002’s album “Attak”. Alongside her life of studio, touring and writing with bands; she is also known for her solo work including her first album From the Land of Volcanos. One of the singles went on to be in American Pie 2 soundtrack and was a big success called “I Will” and landing her even further fame with her solo works. in 2005 Lucia married band mate and founding member of KMFDM, Sascha Konietzko and now they live in Hamburg, Germany.

Lucia’s new album “I Am Eye” will be released through Metropolis Records on July 2nd. The first single is out May 21st called “Girls Like Me” – you can listen to it here!

So let’s get started with the interview!

What are your main roles in Music Business and the Music industry?

I’m a singer, songwriter, recording artist, publisher, producer

How long have you been involved with the Music Industry?

A long time.I got my start interning at a recording studio in NY called Cove City Sound Studios when I was 14

What are some tips for other women that want to get into the Music Industry?

Bring your authenticity and be tenacious. As much as things have changed for the better for women in the industry, there’s still very much a boys club mentality.

What are your favorite things about being in a Music scene?

I love music! So being around it and contributing my art to the world is incredibly rewarding for me. The only time I feel like I’m in a particular scene, is when we’re on tour surrounded by like minded individuals, expressing ourselves together in the moment.

What are some of the challenges that you have ran into being the Music Industry?

I think one of the biggest challenges was believing that I was going to “make it”, after signing my first record deal. Most people don’t and like a fighter, you’ve got to be strong enough mentally to get back in the ring again and again.  One of the other challenges was simply being a woman. I’ve been faced with some scary uncomfortable behavior. The first time happened when I was 14 interning at a recording studio. One of the owners pushed me in a closet, turned out the lights and shoved his tongue down my throat. Along the way I’ve bumped up against other situations that were far worse. There’s a dark side to the entertainment industry, that no movement will remove completely, because people are people and not all are well intentioned.

What are your favorite styles of music when you are listening? It can be totally different than anything you work with!

I don’t have a favorite style I listen to everything from , Prince, Sisters Of Mercy, Depeche Mode, Johnny Cash, Tricky, Beastie Boys, Run DMC, The Prodigy, New Order, Grimes, Massive Attack, Sarah Vaughn, AC/DC, She Wants Revenge, The Psychedelic Furs, The Eurythmics, Run The Jewels, Bauhaus…The list goes on and on.

What is the best memory you have while writing music?

That moment when when I’ve threaded the melody of the song through the music and the story reveals itself to me. It’s how I imagine the petals of a rose feel opening under the summer sun. Writing is like a puzzle in my minds eye. As I’m writing, I’m constantly piecing different aspects of what I’m doing together. Its in that moment when I’ve finally hooked into something I love, where I say YES! I’m on to something good here.

What are your greatest accomplishments, in music or in life?

My greatest accomplishment in music is yet to come but in life I would say its my daughter. No day goes by that I am not in awe of her existence and the fact I played a small role in delivering her here to earth. Becoming a parent was a huge milestone and really is the greatest thing I have or will do.

What are your favorite audio plugins, techniques or pieces of gear to work with?

I love the Neuman U87 mic and my favorite vocal plugins are fab filter pro for reverb and Valhalla for delay

How do you see the Music Industry changing in the future?

I think it’ll become more and more digital and independent.

How can other Women help ensure a promising future in Music Business and the Music Industry?

The first step is getting in there and bringing your A game. It’s not only about learning the craft, but having values that create and sustain a promising future.

Thanks so much to Lucia for her ongoing passion, talents and inspiration for other musicians around the world!

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